About the Project
CellularAutomaton is a Java program written as an assignment for ICS 4UI at Sir John A. Macdonald Secondary School. It implements Conway's Game of Life and a cellular automaton of my own creation. The description for my automaton can be found here.
In the main GUI you can select which automaton will be running using the dropdown in the bottom left. Classic is Conway's Game of Life and Forrest is my own automaton. You can also select the shape of the cells using the dropdown bellow the automaton selector. Using the dropdown to the right of those you can select a preset starting point for the automaton, simply select the preset you want and click the "Fill" button. Bellow that you an select if you want the grid to be visible over the cells. To the right of those are spinners that may be used to change the grid size for the automaton. Next to those is a speed slider to control the speed of the animation and a "Help" button that describes how to mainipulate the automaton with the mouse. The buttons on the right hand side of the window do as their names suggest. Starting the automaton, stepping the automaton one generation forward, stoping the automaton and reseting the automaton to all dead. You can see which generation you are on by looking at the top of the screen.
You may download the executable JAR file here.